Inspiring inspirers 2025-MIT-SMW-Initiative

Inspiring inspirers” is the motto of MIT Club of Germany’s Schule MIT Wissenschaft (SMW) Initiative. It is a program designed for secondary-school STEM (dt. MINT) teachers from all over Germany. At the SMW conferences, teachers attend an intensive training program consisting of workshops and talks given by high profile scientists and professionals from a broad spectrum of areas in science and technology.

This includes Nobel price winners from MIT. Beside national conference there are now also regional conferences in collaboration with the state ministries for education.

At the 2023 SMW National Conference in Kiel, there was a workshop on AI entitled “Generative AIs in the classroom – recognizing dangers – using potentials – enabling education“, which was very popular.

For the 2024 national conference in Saarbrücken, Prof. Bernt Schiele, founder and head of the “Computer Vision and Machine Learning” department at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken is planned.

Lectures are recorded and can be found in the SMW media library:

There is a short information video on the homepage where all five Nobel Prize winners who gave a lecture at a conference are represented with a statement:

Another short video with impressions of last year’s national conference in Kiel can be found at

SWM and the MIT Club of Germany appriciate if everyone who is a parent and has kids at school, would share this information with their school. The teachers and therefore the students will benefit. If the organization you are working for wants to sponsor a SWM event and therefore help to improve the quality of the education in Germany, you are more then welcome to reach out to Rainer Linden at [email protected].

To learn more about how the Ivy Circle Munich cooperates with prominet American and British universities to foster professional and educational know-how and to strenghten alumni networks, please contact Clemens Rinnebach via [email protected].