Tag Archives: Wallraff Museum

Exclusive guided tour “In the Museum’s Laboratory” at Wallraff-Richartz-Museum on 24 February 2024

by Carl Kruse

Hello all! The Friends of the London School of Economics invites the Ivy Circle to a unique guided tour of the Wallraff-Richartz museum in Colonge.

A museum that deliberately exhibits a fake Monet? The Wallraff is showing an unusual look behind the scenes at its “In the Museum’s Laboratory” section, where the painting “On the banks of the Seine near Port Villez”, which was first identified as a forgery by Wallraf art technicians, is on display. This exciting type of work is what this collection presentation is all about: We will get a clear explanation of what happens behind the doors of the “Department of Art Technology and Restoration”. In addition to the forged Monet, we will learn about painting in the Middle Ages, van Gogh’s painting tricks and methods of restoration. Furthermore, fascinating X-ray images and infrared images of a medieval altarpiece are on display.

We cordially invite you to join us for an exclusive guided tour in English “In the Museum’s Laboratory” at Wallraff-Richartz-Museum on Saturday, 24 February 2024.

We will meet at the Foyer of the Wallraff-Richartz-Museum, Obenmarspforten 40, 50667 Cologne, at 2.15 pm, 15 min ahead of the tour to allow time for cloakroom and distribution of entrance tickets, so that we can start the tour on time.

Please register by Thursday, 22 February, by completing the online registration form. We encourage you to sign-up early, as we allocate places on a first-come, first-served basis.

The participation fee is €10, which we ask you to either pay by Paypal or provide us a SEPA direct debit mandate. (For paid-up members of the German Friends of LSE this event is free of charge.)